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Load strategies

Standard strategies

The starlake load will look for each domain and table, the files that match the pattern specified in the table.pattern attribute of the metadata/load/<domain>/<table>.sl.yml file in the directory specified in the attribute of the same file or, if not specified, from the <domain>/ file.

starlake comes with two load strategies:

Load StrategyDescription
ai.starlake.job.load.IngestionTimeStrategyLoad the files in a chronological order based on the file last modification time. This is the default.
ai.starlake.job.load.IngestionNameStrategyLoad the files in a lexicographical order based on the file name.

To use a load strategy, you need to specify the loadStrategyClass attribute in the metadata/ file.

metadata/ to switch from a time based load to a name based load
loadStrategyClass: ai.starlake.job.load.IngestionNameStrategy

Custom Strategies

You can define your own load strategy by implementing the ai.starlake.job.load.LoadStrategy interface.

object CustomLoadStrategy extends LoadStrategy with StrictLogging {

def list(
storageHandler: StorageHandler,
path: Path,
extension: String = "",
since: LocalDateTime = LocalDateTime.MIN,
recursive: Boolean
): List[FileInfo] = ???

metadata/ to use a custom load strategy

loadStrategyClass: ai.starlake.job.load.MyLoadStrategy